What is the best soju for beginners?

As with most liquors, the best soju is the one that you like, but there are a lot of different soju types available. There are lots of different types of Original and Fresh soju, made from rice or barley. Soju’s also available in a variety of flavours. They range from sweet to savoury and fruity, and even one that tastes like yogurt. With all these different options available, how – as a beginner – do you know which is the best one for you? Read on to find out what we think is the best soju for beginners, and why…

How to decide as a beginner

If you’ve not tried soju before, you might be in for a bit of a shock. As we’ve written about in our article about what soju tastes like, whilst soju can taste surprisingly sweet, it will probably still be a bit of a shock to the senses if you’ve not drunk it before.

After all, it’s stronger than many ready-to-drink beverages like beer or wine. Because of that, it’s sharper to the taste, and more akin to drinking shots of vodka.

If that doesn’t sound like something you’re into – we have good news! There are all sorts of different types of soju that are more delicate.

We’ve rounded up our favourite options for beginners below.

Option 1 – Original soju

The clue’s in the name – this is the OG of soju. It’s the one you’re most likely to find in stores and bars for that exact reason.

Even though it’s ubiquitous, it’s still great, and a firm favourite of many in Korea. If this is where you want to start your soju adventure, it’s been the choice of many over the years. It’s undoubtedly a great place to begin.

Yet, we’re not convinced that this is the way to go if it’s your first time drinking soju. The most popular Original sojus have a higher alcohol content than the types below.

For example, Jinro Chamisul and Lotte Chum Churum’s Original are stronger than other varieties of Korea’s favourite spirit.

I got introduced to coffee by drinking mochas. Now, I pretty much only drink double espressos. A bit like this, my view is that it’s best to start off with something weaker.

This will help you get used to the taste, and let it grow on you before you move onto the stronger stuff.

That leads us onto our next option – Fresh soju.

Option 2 – Fresh soju

This is a great place to start. Why? Because quite simply, it’s not quite as strong as Original soju, and so it’s a bit easier and smoother to drink.

Well, there’s got to be a reason why Jinro Chamisul Fresh is the best selling soju in Korea, right? This brand has over double the market share of its nearest competitor. This is the most popular brand with the people who know.

That’s why, for the full soju experience, Fresh soju is the best place to start. But what if you can’t get your hands on it in your country? Or what if you still don’t think you’d like the alcohol taste? There is one other option.

With a range of flavours, there’s something for everyone – we’re talking about flavoured soju.

Best soju for beginners - Jinro Chamisul Fresh
Picture credit: Rinux on Flickr

Option 3 – Flavoured soju

Do you like coffee? How about apples? Yogurt, maybe? How about strawberries? Grapefruit? Lychee? Peach, grape, blueberry, watermelon? I can keep going if you’d like, but I’m sure you get the picture!

Every single one of those – and more – are available as a variety of flavoured soju. With so many different types available, there really is something for everyone.

So if you want to dip a toe into the ocean of diversity that is soju – and you have a particular taste you’re enamoured with – this might be a good place to start. As with my coffee analogy earlier, why not start with something you’re more likely to like the taste of?

On top of this, flavoured soju is generally a few percentage points weaker in its alcohol content than Fresh and Original soju. This might help you out with trying a few varieties on your first go.

Conclusion – which is the best soju for beginners?

In summary, if you are just starting out with soju, we reckon that Jinro Chamisul Fresh is the best place to start. It’s cheap, available in loads of places, and a best seller.

But if you want to start off with something a bit tastier? A good shout might be to think of your favourite fruit or flavour. There’s likely a corresponding flavoured soju you can get hold of.

Either way, we’re sure you won’t be disappointed. We’re here to help you begin your voyage into the world of soju! Check out our other articles for more.